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- ; after 7 boring programs, it's time for action. I suppose you know
- ; so it's time to make a small DEMO !!!!
- ; We will need a whole lot of 'hardware-numbers' these are addresses
- ; that have a special function. You already encountered the $bfe001
- ; which was used to check left mousebutton, $dff016 for right mouse
- ; and $dff180 and $dff182 for both background and textcolor.
- ; We will add some to this list in this program. Don't worry, I'll
- ; send (or maybe you already have it) a list with all these addreses
- ; and their function.
- ; The lesson that now follows is, as we said, about HARDWARE-RELATED
- ; stuff. It's therefore important that I tell you about this hardware
- ; Amiga uses some extra chips for things like gfx, sound, disk access
- ; etc... One of these 'extra' chips is the Copper (in fact copper
- ; is only PART of a chip, but who cares)
- ; The copper is a very 'dumb' chip, it can only do 3 things, of which
- ; one thing is never used. (which makes it does only 2 things)
- ; The copper can 'WAIT' and 'MOVE'.
- ; WAITING: you can tell copper to wait for the 'beam' of the monitor
- ; to reach a certain position. For example:
- ; 'wait for line 10'
- ; MOVING: You can say: put this value in this address.
- ; The addresses you can write to are limited to the
- ; hardware registers, like for example the color-addresses
- ; $dff180 and $dff182. In fact all the addresses that are
- ; accessable with copper start with '$dff', and therefor
- ; these 3 digits are never written in a copper-program.
- ; THAT'S ALL !!
- ;
- ; Copper has it's own language. The Seka assembler translates
- ; commands like 'JMP' in numbers, like $4ef9, but the instructions
- ; of the copper aren't supported, so we will just have to write
- ; the numbers ourselves. This list of numbers (the copper-program)
- ; is called a 'COPPERLIST' Writing such a list isn't too hard, coz
- ; only 2 commands are used, as I told you.
- ; This examplesource will contain such a copperlist: have a look...
- ; You'll need almost everything you have learned 'till now, so be
- ; prepared. It won't be easy... If something is not clear, refer
- ; back to somewhere where it was explained. You should be familiar
- ; to the addressing methods etc by now.
- top: movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7) ; you guessed right...
- ; save the registers !
- move.l $4,a6 ; the start of the execlib to A6
- move.l #libname,a1 ; the name of the library is here...
- jsr -408(a6) ; openlibrary
- move.l d0,gfxbase ; store the result in gfxbase
- ; the next 4 lines cause our own copperlist to be 'executed'
- ; from now on. The 2 lines with *** are very difficult to
- ; explain at this moment. I'll do it next time, when we will
- ; discuss all the hardware registers. Notice that the
- ; values are here in binary notation. (%)
- move.w #%0000001110100000,$dff096 ; ***
- move.l #copperlist,$dff080 ; these 2 lines
- clr.w $dff088 ; effectively start our list
- move.w #%1000001010000000,$dff096 ; ***
- ; now, wait for a mouseclick...
- loop: btst #6,$bfe001
- bne.s loop
- ; something I didn't tell yet: at ofset +38 of the gfxlib is
- ; the address of the current copperlist. After you've
- ; installed your own copperlist, you can find the old one
- ; here, and put this one back to work, so you can return
- ; properly. Let's do it:
- move.l gfxbase,a6 ; a6 = start of gfxlib !
- move.l 38(a6),$dff080 ; turn the old copperlist
- clr.w $dff088 ; back on...
- move.w #%1000001111100000,$dff096 ; ***
- ; and close the gfxlibrary:
- move.l $4,a6 ; we need exec again !
- move.l gfxbase,a1
- jsr -414(a6)
- movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6
- rts
- libname: dc.b "graphics.library",0
- even
- gfxbase: dc.l 0 ; reserve a longword for the
- ; start of the library
- ; here follows the copperlist. As I said, there are only 2 commands:
- ; The WAIT command looks as follows:
- ;
- ; dc.w $yyxx,$fffe (or dc.l $yyxxfffe)
- ;
- ; yy is the number of the line you wish to wait for: from $0 to $ff
- ; xx is horizontal position. The 'resolution' is 8 pixels: you can
- ; only wait for pixel 1,8,16,... xx must be an odd numer, ranging
- ; from $0f (left side) to ??? (I dunno exactly the right side)
- ; I almost always use 0f as horizontal position...
- ; The $fffe is the characteristic of the WAIT command. Example:
- ;
- ; dc.l $100ffffe
- ;
- ; waits for line $10 (=16), leftmost side...
- ;
- ; NOW the MOVE command:
- ;
- ; dc.w $aaaa,$bbbb (or dc.l $aaaabbbb)
- ;
- ; aaaa is the hardware register you wanna move bbbb in. We already
- ; had the hardware registers $dff180 and $dff182, the colors...
- ; If we wanna move $0888 (grey) to these registers, the copperlist
- ; would look as follows:
- ;
- ; dc.l $01800888
- ; dc.l $01820888
- ; ^^^^
- ; registers
- ; ^^^^
- ; values
- ;
- ; instruction. 'Wait for FFFF', this is an impossible position, and
- ; it represents the end of the copperlist.
- ;
- copperlist:
- dc.l $200ffffe ; wait for line $20, horiz $0f
- dc.l $01800000 ; color background ($dff180) to $000
- dc.l $400ffffe
- dc.l $01800222
- dc.l $600ffffe
- dc.l $01800444
- dc.l $800ffffe ; wait for line $80
- dc.l $01800666 ; background color to $0666
- dc.l $a00ffffe
- dc.l $01800888
- dc.l $c00ffffe
- dc.l $01800aaa
- dc.l $fffffffe ; end of copperlist